Michael Powell

Michael Powell

Vice President Regional, Construction Division, American Arbitration Association

Michael Powell is vice president for the construction division of the American Arbitration Association® and manages the Los Angeles Regional Office. Mr. Powell, a 29-year veteran with AAA, is responsible for expanding the use of AAA construction and commercial alternative dispute-resolution services in the Pacific West region. In this role, he frequently interacts with clients who file cases and the panelists who serve as arbitrators and mediators. Mr. Powell also has national responsibility for developing the AAA’s construction caseload and works closely with construction industry associations through the AAA’s National Construction Dispute Resolution Committee. In this capacity, he assists the corporate, legal and public-sector communities by educating them on proven dispute avoidance and resolution techniques and in designing dispute-resolution systems to meet their specific needs.


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Building Better Construction Contracts: Crafting Effective Arbitration Clauses 1 Hours October 30, 2024